

这是每个学生支付的一小笔费用, 提供约$28,每年为新博网址是多少可持续发展项目提供5万美元. 最棒的是? 它是学生资助的,所以是学生经营的. 有什么好主意让新书院成为一个更可持续发展的地方吗? Then you can submit a Green Fee proposal and see your idea come to fruition. The Green Fee is administered by the 绿色事务委员会(CGA), 是新博网页学生会的一部分. The CGA allocates funds at the beginning of every spring semester.


The CGA meets regularly and is open to any students interested in helping make New College a more sustainable campus. 学生 work together on a variety of projects such as the community garden and compost system, 协调食品安全博览会等新博网址是多少活动. 2012年春天, the CGA funded the first student projects: a compost overhaul and a bike-sharing program.


New College’s new wing of the Heiser Natural Sciences Complex was given a Gold LEED certification in 2018 by the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会.

LEED, 或能源和环境设计方面的领导, is an internationally-recognized green building certification system promoting sustainable building and development practices through a rating system that promotes better environmental and health performance.

Our Academic Center was awarded Gold LEED certification in 2011 for a number of sustainable features:

  • Special CO2 room sensors measure air quality and adjust the A/C system accordingly.
  • The A/C system uses refrigerants that minimize damage to the ozone.
  • 高效的窗户, deep roof overhangs and louvered shutters block solar heat and glare, while letting in natural light and allowing for cross ventilation.
  • 铺路石和高反射屋顶材料反射阳光.
  • Specially designed tanks built-in under the adjoining Koski Plaza collect stormwater.
  • Toilets flush using residual rainwater from the roof and A/C condensate. 雨水被收集在一个水下蓄水池里.
  • 在施工期间, 超过85%的建筑工地垃圾被回收利用, 并且使用了当地的建筑材料, 这降低了运输成本和相关的污染.

Five residence halls opened in 2007 also adhere to LEED requirements. They feature flat and gabled roofs and floor-to-ceiling windows in their common areas to make good use of Florida’s abundant year-round sunshine.


新博网页在2018年获得了Tree Campus USA的认可. This designation by the Arbor Day 基金会 recognizes college and university campuses that effectively manage their campus trees, develop connectivity with the community beyond campus borders to foster healthy, 城市森林, and strive to engage their student population utilizing service learning opportunities centered on campus, 和社区, 林业工作.


新博网页是高等教育联盟的成员之一, a consortium of liberal arts colleges dedicated to ecologically focused education, and to modeling sustainability through their operations and facilities. They span the United States and offer students exchange opportunities to learn in diverse ecosystems and communities with faculty who have a wide range of disciplinary and regional expertise. These opportunities are essential for students who are preparing to live and work in a global and interconnected world. Launched in 2003, the EcoLeague consortium is currently comprised of 6 member colleges including:

Eco League exchanges are open to students who are enrolled in any member school. 学生 can spend up to two semesters at another Eco League institution without being considered transfer students. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 留学/交流项目.


查尔斯·林林大厦及其重力海堤, 建于1925-26年, weathered tides and storms for 85 years until the seawall was on the verge of collapse. 在佛罗里达州的资助下, the old seawall was replaced in 2012 to restore the aesthetic of the Ringling Historic District but with more modern materials. 除了萨拉索塔湾美丽的栏杆, the restoration includes an intertidal lagoon with a sloping shoreline and additional intertidal habitat, providing New College students and K-12 students who visit our campus better access to studying the natural environment.


作为新博网址是多少总体规划的一部分, New College has removed exotic invasive grasses and replaced them with native Florida ground covers that reduce the expense and carbon footprint of mowing and create a more diverse and natural landscape in the center of campus. Project funding was provided by the New College 基金会 thanks to a generous gift from Phyllis Collins. 

Environmentalists from New College and the local community have long been engaged in a labor-intensive, research-heavy合作: 以生态方式修复学院在整洁岛上的物业这是一个位于萨拉索塔湾的红树林岛屿.


学生, faculty and supporters gathered in May 2018 for the unveiling of 10 beehive boxes, 新博网页养蜂场的建立. 学生 from the biology and arts programs – and kids from the College’s Child Care Center – teamed up to paint the boxes with colorful designs. 艾米丽·霍夫曼, 生物学和环境研究副教授, 赞助了授粉俱乐部和授粉生态学教程, 这产生了一个独立的研究项目. 这些蜂箱位于凯普斯新博网址是多少的北侧, 在环境研究项目办公室附近.


2015年,学生们努力将新博网页带入 堆填后行动网络, a consortium of campuses across the country dedicated to work toward reducing the waste they produce.


学生 worked throughout the 2015-2016 school year to plant a Food Forest/Carbon Farm on the Caples Campus. 它于5月20日正式种植, 2016, 有50多种不同的果树, 可食用的蔬菜, 野花, 淀粉类作物和香料. The Food Forest/Carbon Farm represents New College’s commitment to finding innovative solutions to tough issues, 因为食物森林为新博网址是多少提供食物, provides habitat for wildlife increasing local biodiversity and pollinators, facilitates study in a range of academic disciplines ranging from ecology to anthropology, all while sequestering excess carbon from the atmosphere to help mitigate climate change. 有关食物森林的最新信息可以在其脸谱网页面上找到.